Wednesday, February 11, 2009

Finally Thurs

today woke up at 7am. took a shower and what not. ate a pre made ham sand. took the fifth to the duce nine. arrived at school. went to ecology and the teacher let us out early. i was suprised. went walked to the lunch box with DYip and mike. to meet helen, goblin, denden. walked to the lib. got a private room and played "head bang hold em" setevie came. got kicked out. went to physics and played "Klondike" & "Maze" & "Vortex" on my ipod. took a nap and woke up to my teacher saying "next week ill be teaching you how to play pool". my eye glew, im in there next week!. went to japanese. "King Peck" said THEE MOST embarrassing thing today in class. i told him to say "Hi im ulysses" and he raised his hand and said "i like keiko sato"(aka japanese teacher) .the whole class went silent. i laughed my ass off. left school. giged in ivans car. and walked in the rain to the duce/nine. went to sushi zen w/ kennon, vince, alex, ifun, gobling, king peck, denden. then left for stones. then to ross. then to onos. got a free drink from ALei (thanks alvin). got dropped off at 14th and I. walked to 9th and across the park. to the fifth. went home. now im listening to old school hip hop. waiting on laundry to finish. prob take a nap. since its a 6 day weekend for me. YEE YEE!!!

Tuesday, February 10, 2009

Boring Tues

Alarm went off this mourning. at round 11am. i noticed that the ringtone had changed. looked at my phone. alvin was calling. he came over 5 min after. he used my comp for WOW. as i showerd to get ready to head out or lunch. went to "pussy palace" again had mince beef againand saw evan. got dropped off at sunset blvd and taravel. hopped on the duce/nine as i was heading to "shity college" for basketball with daniel, stevie, john. today was not bad i HAD to play defence. and i actually learned/knew what to do. left stevie and daniel. and hopped back on to the duce/nine. saw jeffery on the bus. talked for a while. got off at Linc Way. walked to alvins car. and went to the "castle". attempted to meet up ivan, steven luc, ant. didnt call back so we left. walked across the park in the rain while talking on the fone fuck my life. took the five. got home. now listening to music and harrassing my mother.

Monday, February 9, 2009


woke up. ate curry. went to school. fell asleep in ecology. met up with AV Dang and DenDen for 30mins. went to physics my teacher was blasted. went to japanese. got in trouble for not having a book. left school to eat at "Pussy Palace" mince beef over rice. crackin. went to KingPecks house. walked across the park. took the 5. went home.